Kevin Lee / Summer Love
A pixelated image of a stylized Jupiter, in red against a blue sky
60 minutes, video for projection. Prepared to and exhibited with live music at Land to Sea in Brooklyn.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
Summer Love was prepared for my good friends mr. hong and Molly, who performed live music and a DJ set with the visuals in the background. It was made with a mix of found footage, re-interpreted footage from my favorite Asian cinema, and photographs I took.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
A pixelated image of a stylized Jupiter, in red against a blue sky
I drew heavy inspiration from the colorful aesthetic of Hong Kong 茶餐廳 menus, and timed the video to match the time of sunset in Brooklyn on the day of the event.