An interactive audio installation meant to encourage stillness, reflection, and curiosity in music.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
Here + Now gives you a tactile connection to the digital reconstruction of audio, putting a direct link from the hand to loudness, complexity, and destruction. It responds immediately to the weight and pressure of the hand. When you squeeze, the music played becomes progressively louder and more mangled as the pressure increases.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
The experience of destroying the music as you hold it in your hand invites you to let go a little and be gentle - the original music can only be heard when touching as lightly as possible. Touching lightly, however, decreases the volume, and is made very difficult by the extreme pressure sensitivity.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
A pixelated image of a stylized Jupiter, in red against a blue sky
Only by holding gingerly and leaning in can the music be heard in its original form.