A portable, tactile video editing device using embodied cognition and physical metaphor to spark new creativity.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
Video editing today lives almost entirely digitally, behind thumb taps or mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts. What if the work of editing wasn’t hidden behind software interfaces, and their workflow of constant interruption and stopping and starting?
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
MX-CLP is a new portable video editing paradigm which hopes to reintroduce tactility and foster new forms of visual storytelling.
MX-CLP, a new video editing interface
Cognition is aided by physical movement - not only through their expressiveness, but in their ability to embody cognitive processes. By encouraging play, creativity, and experimentation, and by breaking out of a purely software interaction space, we might enable new forms of expression.
A diagram of MX-CLP, a portable video editing device with a circular touch pad and a large screen
Just as in the music industry, where interface innovation forms the basis for entire new genres of sound, an accessible approach to video editing could revolutionize visual storytelling. That is the spirit behind MX-CLP, a portable, all-in-one video editing device which inspires creatives to find new stories to tell.